Monday, 2 January 2012

New year

As we get into the new year it is still raining. My rain gauge worked overtime in last month recording 1142 mm of water falling in the 31 days, or if you like it in "old" money that is over 16". We do get sunshine, in fact the sun popped out about an hour ago for a whole minute that is before it sleeted enough to cover the ground with white but now it is raining again so the planned beach walk is OFF!!!

Never mind there are plenty of other things to do, sort out Blog. Daughter M who is also a blogger has encouraged me (no not nagged) me to do a blog ever since Wife P and I moved here six months ago so here it is.

When not blogging I will be wood turning (another way to process timber for the fire) photographing weather, wildlife and landscape - we have all in abundance. Wildlife, for example, we try to have by invitatation so robins and pheasants are regular visitors. Rabbits and foxes are tolerated as long as the leave the planted vegetation alone. But the deer are not invited as we are enclosed in a deer fence 1.8 metres high with a cattle grid "protecting" the road entrance. Even so the b----ers sidle over the grid occassionally in the early mornings.

We also have a Land Rover - "go anywhere do any thing" - so we can collect seaweed for compost, wood for turning and generally explore this beautiful island when we can see it through the rain.


  1. I didn't really nag you did I? That's an impressive amount of rain - biblical in fact. Hopefully it will stop raining one day...!

  2. Wow !!!! life on the island sounds great !!! enjoying reading your blog Mia xxxx

  3. best you start building an ark soon xx!!!!!
    mia xx


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